Questions, comments and criticisms

The Stumpy Gate

hey lee!

i read your short article about that selfmade gate. here is another great gate everybody can make with a bit of wood and a piece of string… in bmx and (since a coupla years in 4x here in europe too) people build themselves stumpy gates for practicing.
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Cornering form for switchbacks?

Since you did the clinic with the “Mere Mortals” riders in Silicon Valley, we’ve all been working hard on cornering by leaning the bike like you taught us, and in general, we’re getting pretty good at it. Some of us are wondering, however, if that technique applies to sharp switchbacks. Should we try to lean the bike in a switchback or keep it fairly upright (since the bike is going fairly slow compared to, say, a sweeping downhill turn)? Thanks, and we’re looking forward to doing another clinic with you in the spring.

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Single crown fork on VP-Free?

Right now I’m riding an ’06 VP-Free with an ’02 shiver. I’m getting ready to buy a new fork but I’m torn. I love the versatility of the single crown forks but I’m affraid of it making my head angle too steep for the fast descents of whistler. I don’t plan on doing anything bigger than 15′ drops. I am moving to the high desert of Oregon(Klamath Falls). Which fork would preform better there? Thanks so much. You’re sooo the man.
Dan the Man
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Essentials: drops and skinnies

hey Lee, i have two questions. the first is, is there a specific way to ride skinnies? i try and try and i just end up having to hop off the side. so do i need technique or do i just need more practice? the second is about drops. there is this drop that is about 3 feet. i havent really done drops before, and the landing is pretty wide open. there is just some gravel mixed in with the dirt. should i suck it up and take it? any advice?
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Manualing for small riders?

Hey Lee,
I read your book, awesome and so is your webpage. I have a problem I have been riding for a long time but just 4 years ago started getting into more aggressive stuff. I have a really hard time with the manual. I am 5’6″ rather short torso do you think this is a disadvantage?
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Maverick DUC 32 for tandem?

I am trying to figure out how to convert a Maverick DUC 32 fork from air to coil and what spring rate I would run on it for a tandem team. Our team weighs 350 to 375 and since we can’t wheelie we have to bash into things to get over obstacles. I would like to keep from bottoming out on hard impacts. Any thought or ideas?
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Cornering with a short stem

Our man Van feels sketchy with a 50mm stem. Let us help the fellow lest he revert to 90mm madness.
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Lippy jumps: The bucking stops here

An experienced rider has everything dialed except lippy jumps. They pitch him over the bars — and he doesn’t care for that action.
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Laying your bike flat in the air

Hey Lee,
Great book and great site. I have tried and tried and tried, but I just can’t seem to do a good table top. I only get the bike over a few degrees. Can you describe the best way to start to get the bike flat on its side.
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Rich Houseman’s 4X tire choice?

I’ve noticed in your articles about the Yeti-FOX Racing Factory Team you mention that the team prefers high rollers up front and larsens in the rear for 4x and dual.
I favor the 2.35 minions for their turning ability but feel they are a bit heavy and have too much rolling resistance on some courses. So my question is what size high rollers and larsens do jared graves and rich housemen run? That setup in a 2.1 seems like it would be really sweet. light and fast.
Thank you.
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Which Specialized DH bike for a grom?

The Fix team in Boulder, CO, is going to ride Specialized in 2007 (which is rad), but it has parents and kids wondering: Which downhill bike do you ride when your inseam is only 26.5 inches? The answer sure surprised me.
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The ideal pump track bike

Someone asks this question every five minutes. As with all things, the answer depends on your style:
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