About leelikesbikes
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Entries by leelikesbikes
/0 Comments/in Life with a capital L, Poetry and free verse/by leelikesbikesThe oak provides shade to others while standing alone The aspen births the forest, devoted but unseen Every insult and injury lodges heavy in their fibers Yet they reach toward heaven striving while others are thriving and they silently yearn for love Here come the axes wielded by familiar hands Cutting them down and chopping […]
Bike review: Lenz Sport Behemoth
/7 Comments/in 29ers, Reviews/by leelikesbikesHello Friends, I spent much of last season on a Lenz Sport Behemoth, and I’m here to tell you about it. This article begins with some background and context. For the bottom line, scroll to the bottom, which seems like a fine place for a bottom line.
/0 Comments/in Life with a capital L, Poetry and free verse/by leelikesbikesTwo rivers are born high in the mountains Fed by rain, snowmelt and springs watered by the sun-warmed sea Each begins as a trickle and builds to a stream. Every tributary roiling it Every riffle shaking it Every boulder smashing it Each tribulation adds to its power The steeper the drops The narrower the slots […]
Changing chainring size when shortening cranks
/3 Comments/in Ask Lee, Equipment, Tech tips/by leelikesbikesLee, Thanks for the RideLogic bike setup consultation. Two rides in with the new bar and I’m definitely adjusting, but it’s a way different feel than it used to be. Really liking it, and a lot of moves feel easier (as long as my legs are up for it). I’ve obviously taken a deep dive […]
My bike is too big: What can I do?
/4 Comments/in Uncategorized/by leelikesbikesHi Lee, Boy I sure wish I’d seen your video on bike sizing before I got my new bike!! Just recently discovered your great videos and after spending for me a bunch on a new bike, I think I now know why it doesn’t thrill me quite as much as I hoped. I waited forever […]
Risse Racing shock on my bike?
/0 Comments/in Ask Lee, Equipment/by leelikesbikesHey Lee, I was wondering if you’re willing to give your opinion on this. If not, no worries. I may need to get my rear shock rebuilt. Since it is an old model, the rebuild kit isn’t available from Fox. Fox pointed me to Risse Racing. Do you have any opinions about Risse racing? Or […]
Measuring RAAD on a bike
/8 Comments/in Ask Lee, Dynamic MTB fit/by leelikesbikesHi Lee, I’m enjoying the book Dialed: the secret math of a perfect mountain bike setup and really appreciate the MTB specific and rider-centric approach to bike fitting. I was wondering if you can guide me toward how to accurately measure my RAAD? There’s plenty of info in the book on how it should be […]
The hinge: universal human movement (video)
/6 Comments/in Uncategorized/by leelikesbikesThe mighty hip hinge. It’s the key to great mountain biking … and many other activities. Check out the video and a cool skiing story: