

It was some time ago, that I talked to you about learning to jump and drop. Well I am proud to report that I finally learned, and am finally comfortable. The last two weekends we rode Winter Park, and for the first time I just rode all the jumps and drops with all the confidence I needed. My braking and cornering needs work, but at least I have visible progress in my riding skill. I guess I will have to read Mastering Mountain Bike Skills 2nd Edition, the first edition help me a lot with my skill progression. I now try to ride more relaxed (tea cup fingers), weight in my feet (huge for jump take-offs and not getting bucked off), and looking beyond my front tire. So thanks, and keep up the good work.



Hey Daniel,

Thanks for the kind note. That is awesome. Keep it up — and let me know when you’re ready to rail corners.


— Lee

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