Today’s skills clinic at The Ranch in Grand Junction …

… was sweet.

Who: We had 13 people ranging from newbies to pros.

What: We covered the basics, then we dove right into the advanced love. The more I refine my teaching methods, the more I realize pump has to be integrated from the beginning. You ride bumps better. You corner better. You get a much more dynamic view of your riding.

Projectile: Vomit, that is. Dude I was not feeling great on the drive out there. I ate a Good Times burger in Silverthorne, then, after my DS course walk got me amped up, I had a beer to settle down. All was good in the world, then things started feeling yucky. And I thought, you know what? I better open the side door. And I did. And dinner came spraying out. Lovely. That was a long night of uncontrollable shivering. I woke up NOT ready to pin it.

Nick comes to the rescue: With 13 clients and me not able to ride decently, I wrangled Nick Simcik to do my stunt riding. Nick executed perfectly, plus he gave some great coaching advice. He was one of the first people I ever worked with, and he Gets it. Thanks dude.

Stoked: Third parties are telling me everyone was super happy with the clinic. The newbies know where they need to go, and the pros got even smoother and faster. It’s just so cool (I think) that riders of all levels are unified by a few core dynamics — and the desire to rip.

Stuck: I tried to pin it home tonight so The Wife can go to the Boulder County Twins and More sale in the morning. It’s the big event in the twins world, with great deals on used baby stuff. Nut no! Vail Pass is closed due to snow. So the Sprinter and I are parked in Vail. Gonna get a bit of sleep and hopefully not puke out the side door.

They frown on that in Vail.

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