Pave-stoned pump track madness!

This backyard pump track is as durable as it is beautiful. Welcome to Pump Track Nation!

Hi Lee,

After coming across your site one day, I thought to myself “Yep, I can do that!” I sold the idea to my wife, saying “oh, it’ll only take a weekend or two, and only cost a few hundred bucks.” Not only was convinced, she thought it was a great idea.

So with grand visions of a Supertrack I purchased your eBook and began planning. I began to spend my weekends shaping rollers, sculpting berms and just generally fine-tuning the course.

From the outset, the idea was to have the track as the centre of an overall garden design. With this in mind, retaining walls were built to support the berms, and gradually, a garden started to form around it.

One problem we came across was our dogs’ desire to “reshape” the rollers. Every week I’d come out to find that someone had dug a large pothole, rendering the roller useless. The solution was to use a more durable surface. I considered cementing the whole track, or using asphalt, but I didn’t really like the idea of having a bike path in my backyard that really, wouldn’t be that dissimilar from the recreational ones found around the city. With that I decided on pavers for a cobblestone effect. I realise this may be in fact sacrilegious, but hey, it’s durable.

And so after 13 months, many $, and countless manhours from friends and family, it’s now complete. To celebrate, we threw a pumptrack warming party.

Anyway, I’d like to say thanks Lee, for your inspiration and your great instructional book.


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