Posted Dec. 22, 2004
Are you in the [Sponsor]House?

Houseman photo snagged from
With the 2005 season right around the sketchy off-camber corner, it's time to get your sponsorships in order. If you're not as hooked up as a trophy bass, you might consider help from SponsorHouse, the online sponsorship match maker. Pro gravity racer Rich Houseman runs their bike operation, and he answered a few questions:

How can SponsorHouse help mountain bike racers?
SponsorHouse can help mountain bike racers build a solid, professional looking resume. You then are able to send your SponsorHouse Profile/Bio electronically to the companies running their sponsorship programs through SponsorHouse. This process helps riders eliminate the hassles of mail, and it guarantees your resume is being sent to the correct person at each company. You are able to manage, and communicate with your sponsors more efficiently than ever before.

Who does SponsorHouse best serve? What kind of riders, racers, etc.?
The SponsorHouse system is set up so that riders of all abilities and skill levels can use the service. It's an excellent place for the rider who is just starting out, and needs direction on how to find support for their racing efforts. It's also an effective tool for keeping an up to date resume, with your most recent results and photos. Even pros can use the site, as a means to promote themselves, and get the exposure that we are always looking for.

As the director of bike, what do you look for in athletes?
Well, my job isn't to actually pick the athletes myself. But, as a rider and someone who has been down lots of sponsorship roads, I'd say the #1 thing a rider/racer needs to be, is approachable. Always look professional, and act professional at all times. Results speak for themselves, but companies look for good people to represent their product. You have to be able to tuck in your jersey, shake hands, and smile with the general public. That is what separates the good ones from the bad ones.

Lars Tribus knows how to generate publicity. To fly over the SponsorHouse RV he hit the ramp at 40 mph! Snagged from
What can athletes do to increase their success with potential sponsors?
It's a given that results will always increase your chances of getting sponsors. But, having a good attitude, always looking professional, talking with spectators, and handing out promo items always helps!

How important are fancy resumes with lots of photos and even video? What do you look for in terms of resume content?
Riders would be very surprised at what Sponsor Reps actually look at in the resumes. SponsorHouse has taken lots of the feedback we receive from the companies and used that to build our different resume templates. I believe there is a medium as to what you need to put in a resume. In general it doesn't need to be as fancy as some would think. A SponsorHouse resume is exactly what you need!

Here's Rich Houseman's SponsorHouse resume.

What about non-racers like freeriders, jumpers and even expedition-type riders?
There are plenty of opportunities for the Freeriders, DJ'ers, and Urban riders to land solid sponsorships through SponsorHouse. The same basic principles apply for those riders in regards to promoting product, influencing other riders, media exposure, and representing the company professionally. The Freeriding market is alive and well right now, and companies are searching for up and coming shredders through SponsorHouse!

What do you do for SponsorHouse? What are your duties? When did you start?
I started as Director of Bike in April 2004. My Job here at SponsorHouse is basically to organize, oversee, and manage the bike program. I will be in charge of all marketing ideas and opportunities, making sure we are up to date and following through with all projects.

Director of Bike also includes dealing with industry companies involved with SponsorHouse, and signing up potential companies. I'm in charge of getting riders signed up, and providing any help, tips, or advice they might need. I also will be involved with getting the Elite level riders lined up with SH.

Along with all these responsibilities, my job is to also race! While at these races, continue to promote the SponsorHouse brand. I plan on coming back in 2005 to defend my top American status in the Norba Downhill Series (8th Overall). I'll have the best equipment, and the best support. So I'm anxious to go racing again!

How did you get the Sponsorhouse gig?
Around 3 years ago my brother and I did the privateer gig throughout the whole season. We actually contacted SponsorHouse and used the site to build our resumes. We kept in contact throughout the next 3years. SponsorHouse wanted to make a big push into the bike industry, and I was ready to take on that responsibility. So far, it has been a dream job. I'm working and racing in the industry I know best.

What are your plans and goals for the sport of mountain biking?
My first goal is to make SponsorHouse "the" premiere spot for landing Sponsorships in the Bike Industry. Riders that will go through the SponsorHouse system will inevitably be viewed as someone who has learned the process of acquiring and keeping sponsors. Building the awareness and knowledge at the grassroots level, will increase the value of the sponsored rider as he progresses through his career. I really see this as giving back to the sport. We all have all heard of or seen the rider that basically ruins it for everyone! I'd like to weed those people out before they get started. will be responsible for educating riders on the importance of Sponsorship, and what it takes to move up the Sponsorship ladder. I have 20+ years of experience as a bike racer, and I'd like to share some of the knowledge I've picked up along the way!
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